It takes us a considerable deal of time to determine what the absolute most profitable bet will be for each day. So we've created these packages to ensure that the new members we signup are serious about winning. If you're not, then you're taking the spot of someone who is. After your initial package, you'll have the option to continue receiving your daily winners. And this option to renew will remain open to you permanently, even after we close enrollment in a couple of day
While we love the idea of giving back, our time is still incredibly valuable. Your membership fees allow us to take the time to choose and distribute the virtually guaranteed winner for every football match we send.
You simply signup using the "Buy Winners Today" button on the pricing page. Once you've entered your payment info, and provided us with your email address, you'll start receiving your daily tips. It's that simple.
We designed the payment plans so that they apply to most of the buyers. If you are a high roller bettor you can ask for an offer here.
We would love to give you tips on your favorite team or match, but first of all, we want you to make money. Fast. Because of this, we choose games that have the perfect combination between odds and winning rate.
Please contact us here.